For Referrers
How to refer a client to Crisalida?
Crisalida offers an intake/triage service. Our clinical intake team meet twice weekly, and each referral will be discussed and allocated to the most appropriate therapist(s). The family or client will then be contacted to make an appointment.
*Please note, some of our services are at capacity. Call us on 9484 6299 to confirm services are open before completion of registration form*
To make a referral, please email with client name, date of birth, and the name and details of a contact person for the client. Scan and email your referral letter to If more detail is required, an intake worker may then telephone you, or fill in our confidential enquiry form
Phone the office on 03 9484 6299 to discuss and/or to make a referral, or to enquire about our current services and programs.
Fax your referral letter to (03) 9480 0838.